A Safe Ride

by SafeRide Mobile Technologies LLC


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All over the globe thousands of tourists are robbed, assaulted, even murdered by taxi and limo drivers. A Safe Ride can protect you from this through the power of your social network before you even enter the vehicle. In less than 90 seconds* A Safe Ride sends photos of the driver and license plate you take to friends and relatives* These contacts can be pre-programmed into your Safety Profile* They receive this data via social media, text or email* You indicate what time you expect to safely arrive at your hotel or other destination* Once safely arrived, you hit the ‘Arrived Safely’ button and they are at ease.* If you do not indicate a Safe Arrival, and do not otherwise extend the ETA, your friends and family will be notified and sent the pictures and last GPS location. And A Safe Ride conveys one powerful additional benefit, The deterrent effect Safe Ride has upon any drivers contemplating dangerous or violent behavior: They realize they are now identifiable and accountable and that you are not just one more anonymous, helpless victim.